From a methanolic ext. of the leaves of Juglans nigra L. (black walnut; Juglandaceae), kaempferol-3-O-β-glucoside, quercetin-3-O-β-glucoside and quercetin-3-Oβ-glucuronide-6"-Et ester were isolated for the first time, along with stigmasterol-3-O-β-glucoside. Most of the structures were established on the basis of UV, MS and NMR (1H, 13C-NMR and DEPT) spectroscopic data. Moreover, hypotensive and toxicol. studies were done.
Bishay, D., Attia, A., Youssef, S., & Khallaf, I. (2002). Flavonoid glycosides and hypotensive effect of Juglans nigra L. cultivated in Egypt. Bulletin of Pharmaceutical Sciences Assiut University, 25(1), 16-21. doi: 10.21608/bfsa.2002.65505
D. Bishay; A. Attia; S. Youssef; I. Khallaf. "Flavonoid glycosides and hypotensive effect of Juglans nigra L. cultivated in Egypt", Bulletin of Pharmaceutical Sciences Assiut University, 25, 1, 2002, 16-21. doi: 10.21608/bfsa.2002.65505
Bishay, D., Attia, A., Youssef, S., Khallaf, I. (2002). 'Flavonoid glycosides and hypotensive effect of Juglans nigra L. cultivated in Egypt', Bulletin of Pharmaceutical Sciences Assiut University, 25(1), pp. 16-21. doi: 10.21608/bfsa.2002.65505
Bishay, D., Attia, A., Youssef, S., Khallaf, I. Flavonoid glycosides and hypotensive effect of Juglans nigra L. cultivated in Egypt. Bulletin of Pharmaceutical Sciences Assiut University, 2002; 25(1): 16-21. doi: 10.21608/bfsa.2002.65505